Entourage is one of the most popular shows in America. It is about the rise to the top of a young movie star named Vincent Chase. Vincent Chase brings family and friends along for the ride to. He has to put up with paying for every thing and critics constantly saying his movies are bad once he has broke on to the market. Vincent and his friends live the high life in Hollywood constantly going to parties and meeting and spending time with new girls. The show is about the party life which stars live and all the every day encounters they come across, ranging from dealings with fans or just dealing with there managers.
The show has won several Emmy awards and is one of the most popular in the world. As it gives fans the real view of what it would be like to be famous. All the dead lines actors have to meet for movie openings and photo shoots. The show is brutally honest with the excessive use of alcohol and other things.
The show is currently in to the third season. Unlike many other television shows, the new story lines are just as good as the opening season. That is why the show has maintained such a large fan base.
When looking to download the show there are a lot of sites which offer free video episode downloads. Just make sure you find a site that gives you good quality so you can watch it happily. My favorite episode has to be the one where Vincent looses his keys and he blames all his friends for it.
Visit Download And Watch Free Episodes Of Entourage! This is a must see site for all fans of the show. Visit Download And Watch Free Episodes Of Entourage!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Francesco_Simpson
Download And Watch Free Episodes Of Entourage
Fostering Love & Logic in Your Home
If I could take one piece of advice that was given to me and pass it along to every parent out there it would be that the language you choose can bring peace to your home or it can ignite control battles. By that I mean two sentences that essentially sound the same can have completely different affects/outcomes. Read these two examples; "Please sit down. We're going to eat now" and "we will eat as soon as you are seated." Does one sound better? Which do you think will have the more positive result? In the first sentence, "please" was used, and the parent was asking the child to do something politely. However, the first example is a directive, and when children are given directives they tend to challenge more, causing control battles to occur.
In the second sentence the parent is putting the desired action to be taken on the child, they know as soon as they sit down, they get to eat. This is the beauty of Love & Logic, an educational philosophy developed by Foster Cline, MD and Jim Fay, to teach children responsibility and independence in a peaceful, fearless manner.
When a statement is said like "clean your room so we can go shopping," a child will contemplate that and feel a little defensive because they are being told to do something. Whether it's a good or bad option, they still have to choose if they like what's being presented how they are going to respond. Another option would be to say something like "I am happy to take you chopping as soon as you clean your room." The child hears an option that sounds more positive because the word "happy" was used, and she is more inclined to get moving and clean that room.
Now play out that situation a bit and imagine the child starts cleaning, but gets distracted by some drawings they found. She decides to sit down and create more artwork, an hour goes by. The child remembers going shopping and now the store closes in 15 minutes. She says "Mom! We gotta go now, the store is closing!" Mom has a few options here, a triggered response might sound like, "I told you as soon as you clean your room we'd go, but your room isn't clean, is it?" When a kid hears those first 3 words of "I told you..." she flips into defensive mode and might start the "but, but, but" scheme, which could initiate a long battle with mom. A more successful approach for mom might be to say "I am happy to take you shopping when your room is clean, if the store is closed when your room is clean, we can go tomorrow." It's matter of fact, nothing changed from what she said the first time, and it puts the responsibility on the child. It should now be very clear that mom will be HAPPY to go shopping when the room is clean.
I encourage all parents to read Parenting With Love & Logic just to learn the buzz words and practice the language if for no other reason. Love & Logic can change your home and bring peace to a place where battles once existed.
Please check out http://www.loveandlogic.com to learn more.
Katie Rasmussen is a writer for http://www.fitmom3.com
She is a mother of 3 boys who struggled with weight and fitness and has found support through friends. After completing 4 marathons, 3 1/2 marathons, 2 1/2 Ironmans, 6 triathlons, and 1 century bike ride, Katie is committed to helping other moms believe in themselves and find the strength within to be a fit mom!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katie_Rasmussen
Hey Kids - He Was a Man, a Very Big Man - Meet Daniel Boone Become a Fan
Everybody knows the story of Daniel Boone, except our children and yet, this story of Daniel Boone is more important to children than anything else. As a parent it makes sense to teach kids the story of Daniel Boone and let them draw their own conclusions. The story of Daniel Boone builds a strength of character, self esteem and a sense of nature that is instilled in everyone who reads it.
Of course, children cannot read yet, but if you buy a children's book that you can read to them that has good illustrations you will be well on your way to explaining the wonderful leadership skills and character of Daniel Boone, who leads a good life by example. It is for this reason that I would certainly like to recommend a very good book to you to read to your children;
"Daniel Boone" by Katherine E. Wilkie, illustrated by Don Sibley; Scholastic Publishers, New York, NY; Date: 1961 So now then, let me take a minute to talk with you about what I liked most about this book:
This book opens up dialog between parents and children and for the inquisitive child who is interested in learning; they will spend hours of discussion about the topic of Daniel Boone. It makes sense to have a Daniel Boone book in your children's room, as they learn how to read and this should reinforce their personal character and levels of integrity, something that is missing in our society, but something that Daniel Boone was all about. Will you buy this children's book for your kids today? Think about it.
Lance Winslow - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lance_Winslow
Rare Book
A rare book is an unusual, old book that is classified as valuable due to its unique qualities in content and structure. A collection of unique materials constitutes this kind of book since its contents may never be found elsewhere in archives or libraries. A book can be desirable to an individual private collector but may fail to appease a university or college. Many people currently engage in the activity of collecting rare books for monetary value. Nevertheless, there are agencies responsible for the preservation of unique collections of academic materials considered unique and exceptional. The resources include literature, scientific and exceptional academic materials. Such books are often transferred to secure places where readers can access them without taking copies with them for the sake of copyright protection.
The criteria of classifying a rare book is often the age. Different regions have customary traditions upon which a book is judged to appear. Experts recommend that it is important to assess the dates based on the relevance of the materials and their application in a specific period. For instance, nineteenth century material may not have appealed to students or readers a century ago. The trends change and contents of books undergo transformation as well, but the way in which a material of antiquity remains unique is the facts that are not prone to changes. Rare books have the basic facts that do not change even after a long period. The style of presentation makes a book qualify as either rare or obsolete. Readers usually perceive secondary and primary thoughts presented in written material differently. Consequently, the materials with comprehensive information on topical issues are classified as rare - for preservation, for use by future generations.
In an academic setting, the sole purpose of a rare book is to create a unique site for antiquated collections that enhance reference resources in an institution. This implies that such research materials support complex research for graduates and other faculty levels. It is a common expectation that reputable university libraries have archives with unique study materials for in-depth research based on particular books. The collections of such rare materials have information that was once extensively used by former faculty members. It is therefore important to ensure that an academic institution reserves rare books to allow students to gain deep knowledge from search materials. This can be achieved by rating a rare book according to its relevance and subjects it covers. Academicians have the responsibility of identifying rare materials within their areas of specialization in order to boost the reserves of rare books.
Generally, materials dating from early 1830s qualify as rare books for collection. However, many books dating before this period are equally significant. Many people classify rare or ancient books based on the introduction of printing in particular geographic areas. There is an increasing concern for the publications made in the 19th century, to maintain the original catalogues and original binding to make them valuable for research. Rare resources convey a history of thoughts transmitted to posterity.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gordon_Petten
Dreaming About Genie
By Sarah Todd
Please note: the subject matter of Djinn is very large, and very detailed. I am only touching of the very basics of these fascinating and interesting creatures.
Islamic mythology tells us Djinn are fiery spirits, originating in pre-Islam Middle Eastern folklore. The Djinn lived on earth long before man, and were created from smokeless fire; unlike man who is made from earth. Belief in Djinn was so strong the creatures were incorporated into the Islamic faith. Although they are destructive creatures, Djinn can sometimes be useful to human beings. Djinn do not like daylight, and are believed to cause insanity and disease.
Contrary to many evil beings, Djinn have free will, and may even be redeemed through the Faith. Many Djinn harbour malicious feelings towards humans, believing themselves to be far superior than man.
Djinn, like their human counterparts, have organised societies and lifestyles, and interact within these the same way as human societies. They form relationships, raise families, eat food and die. Their longevity exceeds man's, and like humans they have the ability to be good or bad. Although they can see humans we are unable to see them, unless by accident or if the Djinn chooses to be seen. The Qur'an states Muhammad was a prophet to both "humanity and the Djinn",
There are four types of Djinn:
Ghul - a mischievous shape-shifter associated with graveyards and cemeteries, Ghuls have a particular affinity to the hyena, their favourite metamorphosis. A Ghul consumes the dead, robs graves and preys on children. It also lures travellers into the desert wastelands to kill and devour them. The English word "ghoul" owes its origins to this name.
Sila - these Djinns can take on any shape they choose, and are very difficult to distinguish from human beings. They're extremely intelligent.
Ifrit - an arrogant spirit, Ifrits resent mankind's ability to control them through magic, because they were around long before man. The resentment makes them difficult to work with, and their bad attitude means they try very hard to undermine any orders received from their masters. An Ifrit may reveal him/herself as an individual of incredible beauty and superhuman strength.
Marid - the most powerful Djinns, with the arrogance and pride so typical of these creatures. Also known as "blue djinn" because their skin is either blue or green, a Marid's hair always looks wet and wavy - as though swimming. This type of Djinn will grant a human's wish, but at a price - perhaps a battle, imprisonment or various rituals designed to appease the Marid. A bit of flattery goes a long way!
The main Djinn is Iblis. Created by Allah, Iblis was forbidden from Allah's presence when he refused to honour the creation of the first man, Adam - confirmation of Djinn's inferiority complex at the supposed usurpation of their position as Allah's first and best creation. After encouraging Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit Allah cast him out, condemning him to live in Hell - Jarhannam - for eternity. Exhibiting typical Djinn behaviour Iblis told Allah he wanted mankind to fail, and to spend eternity with him in Jarhannam. To test the faith of both Man and the Djinn, Allah allowed Iblis to roam freely on Earth, doing his best to make people commit sins. While it may seem that Iblis the Djinn is to Islam what Satan is to Christianity, the Qur'an says Iblis is not Allah's enemy. All deeds - both good and bad - come from Allah, who is the only One who can save humanity from both the evils of His universe and that of His creations. Iblis was created by Allah, who is supreme over all His creations. Iblis' enemy is Man, which is why he tries to prevent human beings from obeying Allah. The similarity between the Islamic and Christian faiths is that universal evil in every man's personal life is usually experienced because of one being - Satan or Iblis.
It's generally accepted that the Western ideal of the Genie is based on the tale of Aladdin in "The Book of 1001 Nights", which features a Genie living in an oil lamp. He would be freed when someone polished the lamp, and in return would grant his liberator three wishes. This story has taken several variations; one of the most common is the results of carelessly worded wishes. This is probably best illustrated by WW Jacobs' classic "The Monkey's Paw", wherein the owner of the paw will be granted three wishes... at a price.
Caution - spoiler ahead!!! Mr White was cautioned about the three wishes when he receives the cursed paw, but he makes what he feels is an innocent request when he asks for a small sum of money. His wish is granted, and he receives the exact sum of money - as an insurance payment when his son dies in an accident at work. Naturally Mr and Mrs White's grief is dreadful, and a second wish to bring their son back appears to have been answered when, some time after making the wish, a knocking is heard at the door. As his wife rushes down to open the door Mr White realises the delay must mean his son had to travel from the cemetery back home, and is probably in the same condition as he was at the morgue. Fearing the terrible sight of his son, who was only identifiable by his clothes, Mr White makes a final wish. The reader never learns the exact details of the wish, but when we read of his wife's cry of disappointment and the empty street outside their house our imaginations can complete the story. End of spoiler.
Here are some examples of Djinn in literature:
Christopher Moore' "Practical Demonkeeping" describes the origins of Djinn, the creation of man and God's relationship with both parties.
Rudyard Kipling's "Just So Stories" contains a tale about "the Djinn in Charge of All Deserts", who gives a lazy camel his hump.
Tim Power's "Declare" places Djinn in a modern cold war, giving them a home on Mount Ararat which is discovered by a British secret serviceman.
C S Lewis' classic "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" features Mr Beaver identifying Jadis, the White Witch, as having giantess and Djinn origins.
P B Kerr's "Children of the Lamp" deals with the adventures of twins Phillipa and John Gault, who have to use their powers to defeat evil Djinn forces.
Diana Wynne Jones' "Castle in the Air" tells of carpet salesman's Abdullah's dealings with a magic carpet, his love for the beautiful Princess Flower-in-the-Night and various Djinn who interfere in his life.
In conclusion it seems the Genie/Djinn a great character for a fantasy writer, and the surrounding mythology and connotations surrounding this being means it can be placed in many situations. "The Monkey's Paw" story warns us to be careful what we wish for, and to consider the price and consequences of those wishes. While the Djinn will grant those wishes the greed or ignorance of its master may cause pain, suffering or even death to innocent people or those close to the wisher.
The writer was born in Africa, and lived there for the first 38 years of her life. She worked in the world of public relations for over five years, running her own PR company and dealing extensively with the world of journalism and the print media. She is an author on http://www.Writing.Com, a site for Writers. Her blog can be visited at: http://www.writing.com/authors/zwisis/blog
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Todd
Book Review - No Innocent Bystanders
By Joel Hirschhorn
It is never easy to communicate wisdom. Even more difficult to do so in an engaging way that makes it very, very easy to read and understand. Mickey Z. has accomplished this difficult task in his new book No Innocent Bystanders. This book is designed to reach deep into a person's consciousness, pierce normal psychological defenses, and overcome a lifetime of facile rationalizations. This is a book to inspire a revolution spirit in Americans, the kind needed to achieve what Thomas Jefferson had the wisdom to say our nation would need: a revolution every generation or so.
Throughout the book are wisdom-droppings that readers need to hold onto for a few minutes before moving on. One of my favorite examples: "Protesting can be a bonding experience but it rarely achieves its intended goal." I liked this because a central theme of the book is that so many people have found ways to justify their lifestyle and even their political independence, but that, for the most part, are just empty beliefs and actions that accomplish next to nothing.
Along that line of thought here is a terrific tongue-in-cheek list that could qualify for the David Letterman show:
Top Ten Ways to Change the World
1. Wear a "Free Tibet" t-shirt
2. Switch to recycled toilet paper
3. Watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert
4. Adopt a Third World orphan
5. Start a discussion about Africa
6. Eat free range chicken
7. Drive a hybrid SUV
8. Subscribe to The Nation
9. Chant for peace in your yoga class
10. Vote Democrat
Mickey Z. has written consistently in ways that appeal to dissidents, but also sees the ugly truth about most of us, namely that "this is all about dissidents finally blaming everyone who deserves blame (including ourselves)." Which makes me believe that this book would make a wonderful gift to anyone who thinks of themselves as a political dissident, and even more so for any younger person, still in school or college, that thinks they see Truth in the world around them.
One recurring theme that I particularly liked was the view that it has become far too easy for Americans to blame those in power, like George W. Bush, but that ultimately each and every one of us must take responsibility. Listen to Mickey Z.: "Their participation in the twoparty farce and their acceptance of lesser evilism, however, are not seen as the problem by those in the know. It's all Bush's fault. ...There are no innocent bystanders when our money and/or rhetoric support the world's most powerful military and the corporate status quo. But if we just keep telling ourselves it's all Bush's fault, we can sleep better-our innocence wrapped around us like a big white SUV."
In other words, there really are No Innocent Bystanders. This easy-to-read and conscience-raising book is now available at Amazon.com [http://uleitei.notlong.com ] Take responsibility. Get it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joel_Hirschhorn
Twilight Book Review
Seventeen year old Bella moves from sunny Phoenix to rainy Forks, Washington, but the new school is the least of her troubles. She soon finds herself attracted to a mysterious boy who seems to be infuriated by her mere presence. Soon, however, the truth comes out and the two become inseparable. Bella never dreamed she'd fall in love, let alone with a vampire named Edward. Throughout the novel, he fights to save her, from himself and from others.
Those who will enjoy this novel most are teens and adults looking for a good fantasy and adolescent romance. This is the novel that took Harry Potter's place on the best seller's list. The world of magic and wizards may very well be replaced with the world of vampires created by Stephenie Meyer in her Twilight Saga.
In this first novel of the trilogy, named after the saga, the world of vampires is introduced. I personally enjoyed the fantasy elements and the world of vampires. Meyer creates a few new ideas around the myth of the vampire that stray from the traditional.
My only problem was with the pacing of the novel. I waited through the entire thing for something to happen. The first 500 pages or so is a nearly day-to-day account of Bella's teenage life, and that got a bit repetitive and boring to me. The last 50 pages, though, were intense and suspenseful.
Yet when I finished reading "Twilight," I wanted to continue on to the next in the series. The end of the novel made me want to continue reading to find out what happens with the characters I came to know well in the first novel.
I think fans of Young Adult novels or adolescent romances will enjoy this, particularly if they like a bit of fantasy. Meyer manages to create a fantastical world in a very real way. It's a YA novel first, and a fantasy second.
If you're a fan of adult romance, you may find yourself disappointed by this novel. The characters are teenagers (the human ones, anyway), so the romance is more one of discovery and first kisses.
For me, the novel didn't seem to be written particularly well. The plot is simple, characters are predictable and static, and it takes forever for the action to start. That all being said, I think the novel was at least average and worth a read. I will continue to read the rest in the series, but I doubt I'll re-read them once I'm done.
Tonia Jordan is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers.
Her portfolio can be found at http://www.Writing.Com/authors/spidergirl so stop by and read for a while.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tonia_Jordan
Stephanie Meyer's Twilight Movie Release Date Moved to November 21st
Teen vampire fiction author Stephanie Meyer has already had a busy year with the early August release of the final piece of her best selling Twilight saga, Breaking Dawn. Summit Entertainment recently announced that the theatrical release of the Twilight movie, based on the first book in the popular series, has been moved from December to November 21st. This is exciting news for many teens and young adults obsessed with the series which chronicles forbidden love between a vampire teen and his early girlfriend.
Bella Swan, the story's 'normal' girl, is played by Kristen Stewart. Her character is a true original that sets herself apart from the trendy crowd at her high school in Phoenix. The Twilight saga picks up when Bella's mother remarries and sends her to Forks, Washington, to live with her father. This is where she meets the charming Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson). Bella is immediately captivated by the clever and intelligent Edward, who seems to see Bella for who she really is.
Bella and Edward quickly develop a strong romance. Unlike 'traditional' vampires, Edward's clan does not drink human blood and prefer to live in a civilized fashion. Aside from being immortal and possessing non-human strength and speed, Edward is fairly normal. The tension heats up in Twilight, when James (Cam Gigandet), Laurent (Edi Gathegi), and Victoria (Rachelle Lefevre), the Cullens' enemies, com to try to find Bella.
It will certainly be interesting to see if the enthusiasm for the feature film presentation of Stephanie Meyers' is as high as it was for the written story. Though commercially successful, reviews of the Breaking Dawn series finale were mixed. Some avid fans of the vampire drama were disappointed with the way the story ended. However, the anticipation leading up to the Breaking Dawn book release in early August was so high, it would have been virtually impossible to satisfy the expectations of all readers.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Neil_Kokemuller
The Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer
The Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer has been a major hit! People can't stop talking about the astounding author and her four books that have struck the world like a tornado. She has found a way to touch her readers of all ages and has also managed to keep the suspense rolling by writing not only Twilight, but a complete saga with sequels including: Eclipse, New Moon, and Breaking Dawn. These books make you want to be in the role of the lead character and find your prince charming, who ends up not a revolting toad, but a blood thirsty vampire named Edward. Fantasy meets Romance novel meets Horror story and then some more! You can never seem to set it down or get off the edge of your seat. Yes, it truly is that good! It is also becoming a major motion picture on December 12th 2008.
This is a quote by Stephenie Meyer from her first book Twilight: "Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars-points of light and reason... And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I could not see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything." - Edward Cullen (Stephenie Meyer)
As you can see, Stephenie Meyer finds a way to entice you with almost every word. She brings you into her world and simply do not want to leave.
The absolute cheapest place I've found to buy all of these bestselling books is http://www.twilightobsession.com/ They have every single book by Stephenie Meyer, including the Twilight Saga!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sean_Hawthorne
Travel Books - Compilation of Accurate Travel Information
The travel books are a wonderful means of gaining information about travel, travel routes and other travel related information. These books really act as a virtual guide for people who are true aspirants of tour and travel. Travel books give a detailed information of the various routes available for visiting a place and the means to commute.
These books normally concentrate on a particular place or destination. However, there are also categories that give a broad coverage of destinations. Such coverage include a number of places in one region. But whenever the travel books give coverage to one place, it is detailed information about the tourist spots. So, the tourists are absolutely kept alert about the tour package for touring a place. This is absolutely convenient for people as they can now avail the right services for they are in full knowledge about the do's and do not's after reading the travel related books.
The travel books are meant to provide an itinerary to travelers aspiring to travel to several destinations of the world. The travel literature is a genre in itself. These books document the travel literature and store them as a knowledge pool for people to get the right kind of information. The books are incorporated with fascinating pictures of tourist destinations and places. These pictures give viewers a through understanding and the readers get a glimpse of a place before visiting it. The unique and informative content make tourists fall in love with a place. It is only then that they decide to visit the place during their vacations or holidays.
Some of the best examples of travel books are lonely Planet, Rick Steves, Moon Handbooks, Michelin, Eyewitness Guides and more. These books give complete information about a destination. Tour packages are compiled to help tourists choose the most suitable travel package keeping in mind the time in their hand. People find it very convenient for it acts as a capsule that gives complete information about tourist destinations on earth. So, it is recommended that tourists read such books before taking up tour to a place.
Cheap Books, Price Comparison
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alden_Jerry
Randy Pausch and His Last Lecture Will Live on For Generations
Just a few years ago, outside of his classes the halls of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh (and of course a few other select places) nobody really knew Randy Pausch.
As the story played out, Pausch was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer in September of 2006. After all was said and done, medical experts gave him little more than a year to live. Obviously, he outlived expectations.
When people get this type of news, they often approach the time they have left with a lot of contemplation, reflection and preparation. Some use the time to visit exotic lands. Others use these days with a focus on spiritual salvation. And, yet others arrange their finances so as to assure the future security of their spouse and children. But as one television promo put it, Pausch used his time to "change the world."
A book he co-wrote, "The Last Lecture," and his actual last lecture at CMU on September 18, 2007, where simply the final touches on the life of an extraordinary man and thinker.
In addition to teaching his three children about life, he taught countless others about the importance of taking risks, always being truthful and never giving up on our childhood dreams. One of his most noted philosophies is that the "brick walls" along our path of life are not there to keep us out but rather show us how bad we really want to achieve.
Pausch's last lecture was recorded and has been viewed by millions on the Internet and in segments on various television programs. The Electronic Arts company, who has been collaborating with CMU of late, will honor his name by creating a memorial scholarship fund for women in computer science, a group he was known for mentoring. And countless cancer patients and individuals with other terrible conditions have acknowledged him as a source of inspiration for them to stay strong.
Pausch may have only had the chance to walk the earth for a far too short 47 years. But, his lessons and memory will likely reside in the hearts and on the minds of several generations to come.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Greiner
Gus Hansen Finally Writes a Poker Book
By Marty Smith
One of the most notable sporting and entertainment figures of this decade has always been somewhat aloof to the poker market upswing while at the same time being the source of its epicenter. Gus never really bothered with marketing himself or taking advantage of his popularity. He just loves to play, and challenge himself, and yes... gamble. If you know anything about Gus Hansen, it's that he loves to gamble. But in this new book, you learn a lot more about how the math of Gus Hansen actually explains away that gambling moniker and theorem.
This book is delightfully insightful and forthright. Gus has really opened up here and goes through every contentious hand he plays at the 2007 Aussie Millions, where he dominated the final table and kick-slapped an internet newcomer named Jimmy Fricke heads up to seal the deal. In showing how he strategizes right through that tournament he creates sincere value that we amateur players may have never before been exposed to because players like Gus are just so rare.
If you've ever seen some of the hands from this tournament on youtube, you will see that Gus was actually using a personal recording device and whispering into a mic throughout the Aussie Millions Tournament. You have to wonder if it was a self check system for Gus, or if he had actually planned to use the information for this book ahead of time.
Nonetheless he was definitely in a good position to analyze the hands for this book as he could easily review the chips counts, stacks, position and all the other important tournament factors. You get his detailed insight into the thought processes of one of the best tourney players in the world, while also learning about the different strategies of playing a full table and playing short-handed, and how important aggression is part of Gus Hansen's game.
Hansen's book should be read after Harrington's because you have two very different styles, but one could argue that Hansen is more successful than Harrington. This is more a less a personal slant as to what style you can play effectively where one style is no better than the other. Gus writes quite blatantly that most poker books are too theoretical and assert play that far too tight for tournaments.
The practical style poker books seems to carry more value as they are just that much easier to read, think about, and then take to the table yourself, trying to recognize similar situations you may have just soaked in. Gus Hansen's book is all about this, and it makes it easily worth every cent.
There were a lot of tournament structure and strategy notes that Gus explained in this book too, as he made a habit of recapping the day's events, setting up for the day ahead, analyzing blinds changes and payout structures, and really analyzing his opponents quite frequently as the tournament changed.
Surely an advanced poker this is, from one of the world's most gifted players.
Marty Smith has video reviews all the top poker books and produces tournament strategy videos that are free just for signing up.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marty_Smith
Kindle : Wireless Reading Device

We designed Kindle to provide an exceptional reading experience. Thanks to electronic paper, a revolutionary new display technology, reading Kindle’s screen is as sharp and natural as reading ink on paper—and nothing like the strain and glare of a computer screen. Kindle is also easy on the fingertips. It never becomes hot and is designed for ambidextrous use so both "lefties" and "righties" can read comfortably at any angle for long periods of time.
We wanted Kindle to be completely mobile and simple to use for everyone, so we made it wireless. No PC and no syncing needed. Using the same 3G network as advanced cell phones, we deliver your content using our own wireless delivery system, Amazon Whispernet. Unlike WiFi, you’ll never need to locate a hotspot. There are no confusing service plans, yearly contracts, or monthly wireless bills—we take care of the hassles so you can just read.
With Whispernet, you can be anywhere, think of a book, and get it in one minute. Similarly, your content automatically comes to you, wherever you are. Newspaper subscriptions are delivered wirelessly each morning. Most magazines arrive before they hit newsstands. Haven’t read the book for tomorrow night’s book club? Get it in a minute. Finished your book in the airport? Download the sequel while you board the plane. Whether you’re in the mood for something serious or hilarious, lighthearted or studious, Kindle delivers your spontaneous reading choices on demand.

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Utilizing a new high-resolution display technology called electronic paper, Kindle provides a crisp black-and-white screen that resembles the appearance and readability of printed paper. The screen works using ink, just like books and newspapers, but displays the ink particles electronically. It reflects light like ordinary paper and uses no backlighting, eliminating the glare associated with other electronic displays. As a result, Kindle can be read as easily in bright sunlight as in your living room.The screen never gets hot so you can comfortably read as long as you like.
See what others are saying about the Kindle screen:
James Patterson, author of You've Been Warned, "The screen is fabulous. You would expect that, with a screen, there would be a glare, it would be hard to read but it's not. There’s no glare. It's not backlit, which is kind of magical. I think people are going to be very, very surprised and delighted. This is a lot easier to read than a lot of books are these days."
Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball, "I'm telling you, after five minutes I've ceased to think I'm looking at a screen. It's not like reading a computer screen. It's more like reading a piece of paper. I think it's actually clearer, easier on the eye than the printed word."
Neil Gaiman, author of Stardust, "It's like paper and it’s very interesting. It’s very, very crisp. Very functional. Very readable."
Wireless Access with Whispernet™
Unlike WiFi, you don't have to find a hotspot. Amazon pays for Kindle's wireless connectivity so you will never see a monthly wireless bill for shopping the Kindle Store. There is no wireless setup—you are ready to shop, purchase and read right out of the box.
Note: There is no wireless coverage available currently on Sprint’s data network for Kindle in Montana and Alaska.
In addition, a copy of every book you purchase is backed up online in Your Media Library in case you ever need to download it again. This allows you to make room for new titles on your device, knowing that Amazon is storing your personal library, which can always be re-downloaded wirelessly. If you are out of wireless coverage, such as traveling overseas, you can download books to your computer from Your Media Library and transfer via USB to your Kindle. Think of it as a bookshelf in your attic—even though you don't see it, you know your books are there.
Ergonomic Design
The keyboard also enables you to do a full text search across your entire library or within a specific title. To find the article you read last week on globalization, simply type in globalization to locate each relevant reference. You can then jump to Wikipedia to learn more about it. The keyboard also means you can annotate text and utilize Kindle’s built-in dictionary without interrupting your reading.

See what others are saying about the Kindle screen:
James Patterson, author of You've Been Warned, "The screen is fabulous. You would expect that, with a screen, there would be a glare, it would be hard to read but it's not. There’s no glare. It's not backlit, which is kind of magical. I think people are going to be very, very surprised and delighted. This is a lot easier to read than a lot of books are these days."
Michael Lewis, author of Moneyball, "I'm telling you, after five minutes I've ceased to think I'm looking at a screen. It's not like reading a computer screen. It's more like reading a piece of paper. I think it's actually clearer, easier on the eye than the printed word."
Neil Gaiman, author of Stardust, "It's like paper and it’s very interesting. It’s very, very crisp. Very functional. Very readable."
Piano Lessons - Group Or Private?
Piano lessons are a great activity for children. They encourage creative thinking, develop math and reading skills, and improve students' overall educational progress, as well as building a fun life-long skill. As a result, over six million children in the United States take piano lessons! One of the choices that parents have when their child is beginning piano lessons is whether to enroll their son or daughter in a private or group lesson. Parents often have misperceptions, or at least several questions, in making this choice.
Q: What is the difference between private and group lessons?
A: Individual lessons are usually thirty minutes in length, with the piano teacher working one-on-one with a student. Individual lessons provide a high degree of personal attention for a student. Group lessons are generally 45-minutes to an hour in length, and consist of between two and four students working with their piano teacher. During group lessons, each student plays their own piano or keyboard and receives both individual and group instruction. Students are introduced to new skills in the group every week and are then given individual playing assignments. They practice these assignments using earphones and the teacher rotates among the students to check on their progress and provide additional instruction.
Q: Don't children learn more in a private lesson?
A: Not necessarily, and it depends very much on the student. Some children thrive with individual instruction. However, private lessons can also create a dependence that students may have a hard time overcoming, as some children grow to feel that they cannot learn on their own without their piano teacher repeatedly showing them every new thing. To prevent this, successful piano teachers create supportive learning environments that let children know that they are responsible for their own success. This helps children learn how to set goals and that their own effort makes a difference. That's why, even in a private lesson, students need some time to work independently.
Group lessons are a great way for children to learn, and many children learn faster in a group setting than in individual lessons. Group lessons create a fun and supportive environment, and students learn both from the teacher's instruction and from each other. It also helps many children to know that other students are learning the same skills.
I encourage most new students who are seven years of age or older to start out in group lessons. However, I have found that private lessons typically work best for two groups of students. First, they can provide a solid learning foundation to very young students (ages 5 to 7) who need one-on-one instruction to help get started. Parents of these very young children sometimes stay with them during their lessons. When children get a little older and have the basics, they usually can transfer to a group lesson. Second, private lessons are appropriate for late intermediate to advanced students who are looking to apply music theory and advanced playing techniques requiring intense instruction and dedicated home study.
Q: Can't group lessons be intimidating for students due to peer pressure and competition?
A: While some parents may initially be concerned that group lessons create peer pressure and competition, the lessons actually help students feel more independent and confident in piano. Students play the pieces they've just had instruction on before they leave the lesson, which helps them feel secure about playing the songs at home. As students often play their songs for each other during lessons, it helps avoid the performance anxiety that students taking individual lessons can feel before recitals. Plus, students generally find that working together with other students increases creativity and fun! Over time, experience has shown that most children learn more in small group lessons because these lessons encourage independence and build confidence, which is a strong foundation for success not only in piano lessons but in the other areas of student's lives.
Copyright 2005, Cynthia Marie VanLandingham
My Piano Bears Musical Storybooks are a great way to introduce children to piano lessons. Children love stories, and they are a great way to teach important lessons and motivate young girls and boys. Most young students who are starting music lessons have lots of questions, and all beginning students must learn how to develop good practice habits. Piano Bears Musical Storybooks provide a wonderful way to inspire young piano students and help them succeed. These books use the characters of Little Bear, who is just starting to take piano lessons, his friends and family, and Mrs. Treble Beary, his teacher. In the stories, Little Bear, with the help of his family and friends, learns how to overcome his worries and set positive goals to achieve his musical dream. Visit PianoBears.com to learn more and preview these powerful resources for children ages 6 to 11.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cynthia_VanLandingham
How to Use Power Questions That Create an Irresistible Urge to Buy With Your Prospects
By Peter Lawless
Did you ever end up buying something that you did not know you wanted, and yet it felt the most natural thing in the world? Can you remember what the sales person said to you? Did it feel like they really understood you? Would you like to be able to get that same reaction from your customers? Read this article to learn how to woo your future customers the same way.
My regular readers, by now will have realised that the art of all successful selling, is to ask the questions. All good sales questions have the following characteristics;
* Ask;
o The Right Person
o AT the Right Time
o The Right Questions
* Listen, then have;
o The Right Answers
o IN the Right Way
o With The Right Evidence
* At all times have a great Attitude
Whether you like it or not, you are always selling, selling benefits for someone, including yourself. When you go to the bank for a loan, you are selling yourself and your business idea. When you ask someone on a date, you are selling them on spending time with you. When you play a sport with someone, you are selling them on the fact you are an enjoyable person to spend time with.
I am however going to assume for this article that you have an offering that you wish people to buy, and I will cover 4 times that you have an opportunity to sell your concept, by asking the right questions. Questions to ask at a seminar or networking event
The one-many networking concept, means that you get a chance to speak, while many people listen to you. You are speaking to many people, while they get an understanding of what you can do for them. Everyone always wants to know what you can do for them.
You stand up and before you deliver your irresistible sales presentation, that will have buyers flocking to your door, you must start off by asking them a few questions.
I am going to use as an example, one of my clients, who help their customers dramatically decrease their expenses, by having the experts analyse their spend patterns, and negotiate fantastic deals on their behalf.
In order to maximise your audience's understanding of your proposition, you must involve them in the learning process. The questions they would ask at an event may be as follows;
* Would everybody please stand up for a moment?
* Would everybody, who is 100% certain that they are fully in control of their costs and expenses, and are not paying a cent over the odds, please sit down.
* OK, would everyone, who is happy to continue paying over the odds, please sit down.
* OK, you can all sit down again, but I would really like to know why you have not done something about this before. In fact why don't I see which of the three most common reasons, for not doing this, matches your circumstances.
o You never thought about it before
o You don't have the time to do it, because you are swamped
o You need to bring in someone who knows what they are doing and has done it before.
Now can you imagine, in a room of 20 Financial Directors, how many of them, would not want to know more about these guys, and if they could get substantial savings, as a result of their services. Questions to ask on the phone
Most people on the phone get hung up on their result. In fact some gurus even teach you how to feel good when you get rejected. The main reason that you get rejected, is not because the customer does not want what you have, it is because they don't want to be sold to yet again!
So have a conversation with them. Your end goal should be to find out if there is a match between you and the stranger on the other end of the phone, and to find out what they want to do about it. To get to this ask the following types of questions;
* Are you able to speak for a minute?
* Would you please be able to help me out with something?
* I was trying to understand if you were 100% certain that you were getting the very best value for money from all your suppliers.
* Would be interested in knowing how much we saved for XYZ Company?
* Now I am not sure if we could do the same for you unless we took some time to explore this together, how would you suggest we proceed from here?
Questions to ask in a prospect meeting
Very similar to those above, your questions should be aimed at getting the prospect to tell you in their words, what their problems are, and how they believe you can help them, with your offering.
* At minimum, you should ask the following questions;
* Thanks for taking the time to see me, how long do we have?
* Great, now that I am here, what precisely was it that made you want to see me?
* Could explain to me in detail; how that is impacting what you do in your business?
* If that were solved, what would you be able to do then?
* How would you put a value on getting that?
* When would you like to start getting this value?
* What has stopped you up to now, from getting this value?
Just try these questions out, modified of course to your own business. They may seem a little strange at first, but then again, so did walking when you were 12 months old! Take a note of the results, I would love to know how much more business you win.
This article is one of many sales and marketing articles written by Peter Lawless of http://www.3r.ie - Marketing Consultant delivering Marketing Strategy & Online Marketing, Sales Trainer, and Public Speaker.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Lawless
Double Your Dating - A Look at David Deangelo's Dating Advice
David Deangelo's "Double Your Dating" ebook has been to many the holy bible when it comes to material teaching guys to meet and attract women. Along with "The Mystery Method" books and "The Art of War for Dating" by Spencer Michaels and "The Game" by Neil Strauss, Deangelo's book will surely go down in history, establishing David as a true pioneer in the industry.
Double your Dating focuses a lot on the idea of being "cocky funny". The theory is that you need to have an heir of confidence that borderline's cockiness mixed with enough humor to sell it. Deangelo's techniques have been used by guys all around the world. I can remember reading Double Your Dating years back and thinking "wow, this stuff is great".
Dave also stresses the idea of not being a "wussy" and not letting women have all the power in a relationship. He talks about having a strong frame and being bold in dating situations. On his site, you can read testimonial after testimonial of guys that have gone from "Average Frustrated Chumps" to being confident around women. If you want to learn how to meet hot women, give his book a read.
Double You Dating basically teaches you to get some guts, be strong and get in touch with your manliness. David makes it clear that there isn't much room to just be a nice guy. So will David Deangelo's Double Your Dating program truly Double Your Dating Life? You bet. If you haven't checked it out yet, you need to.
I also strongly suggest checking out Spencer Michaels' dating programs at http://www.datingwar.com/
Get free powerful dating advice and learn to pickup any woman in under 3 minutes at http://www.datingwar.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Spence_Michaels
Nina Garcia and Her Hundred Stylish Pieces
Nina Garcia, famous for her book "The Little Black Book of Style", has arrived with another best seller.
Her latest fashion guide , The One Hundred: A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own, got a release on August 26, 2008, and it was taken with enthusiasm galore.
While her first book dealt with many how to's on fashion, her latest creation is full of hundred well-defined commandments on what to's.
As the name suggests, the book helps any fashionable woman to sort out hundred most valuable and essential fashion articles to make her wardrobe fully equipped.
Garcia, a fashion director, got the inspiration to pen down this book when she was forced to move out of her flat for almost two years.
As not having a complete and full-fledged wardrobe out of her flat, she had to make frequent trips to her flat to grab the her fashion products.Those tiresome trips sparked an idea to enlist the most needed hundred things for a woman.
"Every once in a while, I'd run back to the apartment to snatch an item or two," She said, " Soon I realized I had the answer to the questions that women kept asking me, "What are the must-haves?"
The book's list of can't-live-withouts include things like a tuxedo jacket, a well-fit jacket, a panama hat, etc. It also tells a lot about things designer belts etc. Not only these things, it also emphasizes that if you like to wear a short skirt, then your wardrobe is incomplete without knee-high boots.
Interestingly, she emphasized the importance of shoes with some extra force. She told, "It is one of those things you can't fake. You can't look well dressed without a nice pair of shoes, it is impossible."
Also her book include things, such as; zippered hoodie, crisp white shirt, push-up bra etc. Apart from these things, the book lists a number of other things which are enough to turn a lady into a fashion diva.
This book, undoubtedly, going to be an asset and boon for the all fashionable ladies. This book will work as a guide for those who are not well assured what their wardrobe should be made of.
Of course, all the hundred fashion products described by her can make any woman's wardrobe enlivened.
Explore some more dresses for chubby woman on Exploring Fashion
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dexter_N_James
I'm Addicted to Superhero Comics, Movies, and Cartoons
X-men, Superman, Spiderman and his amazing friends, The Hulk, Justice League, Dragon ball Z, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Thundercats, Bravestarr, Thundarr the Barbarian, Ironman, Fantastic 4, and so on and so on. I'm 33 and I'm addicted to superhero cartoons and movies.
I mean every since the invention of the DVR (digital video recorder), I can't get enough of all the crime fighting stuff. Am I alone, and does anybody else like an overload of Spidey or X-men? Maybe I'm jealous, and it's the fact that kids today are spoiled silly, and as a kid I was unable to watch toons quite as much. I remember watching a little bit of cartoons before school, a hour or so after, maybe.
To be honest Saturday morning was the main time of the week to get your fill of cartoons. But in this day and age of 1,000,000 cable channels, there are several that just show cartoons. Which means that at any given time, a kid can just turn it on and watch away. I use to call my son in the room, just so I could say, " I was watching superhero shows with him". Now I just don't care anymore, and I DVR everything. Justice League Unlimited is my favorite right now and it's like the soaps for dudes or something.
I never knew watching Superman and Batman could be so drama filled, and everybody has a girlfriend. But enough about me and what I love, what is the message that superheroes convey. I think that heroes appeal to the good inside of everyone. We all would like to think that if we somehow gained unlimited power, that it would be used for the good of all mankind. I mean dedicating your entire existence to helping others, that's what a hero truly is. Which brings me to my favorite part of the comics, the Super Villain.
It's amazing how most of the villains were all good at one point, and there is always a specific chain of events to turn them evil. Is that the truth about most of mankind, and does everybody have just a little bit of evil hidden deep inside of them? Most villains are extremely rational, too rational and blinded by there desires. In desperate situations they can often be reasoned with for the good of everybody involved. But some evil knows no boundaries, an chaotic evil characters are the best example of this. Some beings just don't care about money, wealth, or assets. There only purpose and deepest desire is the watch everything and everybody burn.
When I was younger and read about Superman's battles with Darkseid, superman asked him, "what is was that he was after". He replied, "the Anti-Life Equation", and I'm like 8 years old but I fully understood what he sought! Total and complete devastation, and nothing less would be acceptable for him. Superman then replied," I will never stop fighting and I will always be here to stop you. The world NEEDS heroes like that! It could be said the firefighters and red cross volunteers are real life heroes.
Courage in face of danger and hopelessness, that's my definition of a hero and I love them for that. I think I just enjoy watching the struggle between good and evil. It never seems to bore me, and I just can't get enough of it. I'm always open to a discussion with anybody regarding, superpowers, best heroes, villains or anything else DC or Marvel related.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jermaine_Heard
Book Review - Herbcrafts by Tessa Evelegh
This book is a rare find: it combines gorgeous photography with crafts so simple even I could make them.
It’s subtitled Practical Inspirations for Natural Gifts, Country Crafts and Decorative Displays, and it is both practical and inspiring. Even if you’ve never given gifts from the garden or been any good at crafts, this book will give you ideas. Anyone can grow herbs (or, if it’s too late for that, buy them at the supermarket), and most people can make a few stitches or glue dried leaves to a picture frame.
Most of the 40 projects can be summed up very simply. For example:
Stitch a hardy sachet from ticking, then fill it with aromatic herbs to make a tough mat on which to stand hot pots. When you put a pan on it, the heat will release the herbs' rich fragrance. (p. 84)
Now, I never would have thought of that – and I have about a pound of homegrown mint drying in the spare room.
A bonus is that many of these items will be inexpensive to mail as gifts -- dried plants are some of the lightest materials you can find. Better stick to mailing them within your own country, though. It wouldn’t do to have a package containing unlabeled, homegrown leaves opened by customs.
Others, involving live plants or clay flowerpots, will have to be delivered by hand – or kept for yourself. Either way, it’s worth checking out.
Herbcrafts: Practical Inspirations for Natural Gifts, Country Crafts and Decorative Displays, by Tessa Evelegh with photographs by Polly Wreford, is published by Anness Publishing and available from Amazon (ISBN 1 85967 343 0).
Jane Wangersky is the author of In Small Packages: Gifts You Can Mail at Canada's Lowest Postal Rates. Visit her blog for more ideas on saving money mailing gifts.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jane_Wangersky
Is "Water4Gas" a Scam? Unbiased, Honest, Detailed Review
Water4Gas is one of those products that make it very difficult to deliver an unbiased review- any product that offers a cheaper option to the public and an alternative way of thinking will always be an effective 'Buy' in my books. As the times change, so do people's needs. For every action there is a reaction. The action: Gas Price Increasing. The reaction: Water4Gas.
Water4Gas is an eBook, created by Ozzie Freedom, that helps you modify your car's engine allowing it to run on water and gas. It must be said that many people were skeptical when water4gas first came out a few years ago but later came to realise that this product does indeed work.
Not many people know this but the idea of "Water as Fuel" was already thought of in the 1920's. My only reason in to why it was not implemented then was because Gas Prices were cheap and of not much concern.
Back to Water4Gas, make sure you keep this in mind: your car will not run on water alone- once you have installed the necessary equipment, your car will then use water to supplement the gas in your tank.
There are however two negative aspects:
-Water4Gas is an eBook and does not come with the materials. It is your task to go and buy the materials.
- Being an eBook, you will have to print the whole book to make your life easier
Water4Gas is the original "Water as Fuel" product
There are many "Water as Fuel" products out there but I must admit that Water4Gas is the best product for the following reasons:
-Water4Gas explains what needs to be done in great detail as it is over 300 pages and contains many pictures to aid you, like the one below.
-Being an eBook, Water4Gas is updated frequently. With over 13,000 users in many countries around the world, Water4Gas receives a lot of feedback (Positive and Negative). I personally love products that plan ahead and Water4Gas is one of them...
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_James_Oconnor
How to Download Music Online without Hurting Your Wallets
By Davion Wong
Let us face it. Music lovers normally own many CDs, download music online and will not stop buying music. That is why the music industry has always been vibrant and new singers are born, and new songs are written. The trouble is music lovers have an insatiable desire for new music all the time and it can be really painful on the wallets and the credit cards if you are building a music library. Ask a teen how many songs he or she has in the collection and chances are there are at least a few hundreds and they are still downloading music online everyday. Imagine paying $1 for each piece of music they download online. Is there a way to download music online without hurting your wallet?
There are tons of music online stores nowadays. Ever since music becomes downloadable online, more and more are going to these stores to download music online. Trouble is many kids and teens are downloading music from free places. It is great news for parents who are paying the bills for our kids’ needs every month. But there is no free lunch really.
Downloading from free sites would expose your computer to unnecessary harmful attacks by viruses and malware like adware and spyware. The damage may be light and only your computer speed is slowed down because of the drain the malware is putting on your computer resources. In worst case scenarios, your computer hardware suffers from permanent damage and you lose all your important documents and information.
For those who are downloading music online from free resources, be prepared for slow download speeds as well. Some of the online sites that offer free music downloads crash quite often or hang up on you because there are way too many freebie seekers downloading at the same time. Save yourselves the trouble and frustration by using online music download sites that offer paid services.
Music stores like Rhapsody and AOL are great places to download music online since they offer monthly subscription packages which are cheaper than those pay-per-download stores. If that is still too expensive for you, why not consider the new batch of online music download sites that offer unlimited music downloads for a lifetime fee? In other words, for a one time membership fee, you get to download unlimited music and songs from the music site as long as you wish even if it is 3 in the morning.
Such online music download stores offer a wide selection of the latest music from record labels and also keep a good stock of oldies. So it does not matter what brand of music you are looking for, as there is a high chance you can find it. If you are unsure, check with the music site. For a price that ranges from $30 to $50, you can download all the music media files in the collection which is in the range of millions. Teens and young adults love this since they are a tech-savvy lot who want more options without having to pay big bucks.
While it sounds great to download music online from these sites, there are many factors you have to consider when selecting the ideal site for unlimited music downloads. If this looks complicated, find out how you can simplify the whole process as you learn more from my music blog.
Davion is a music addict and carry do without them. Find out about hot and limited offers for unlimited music downloads. Also read his wildly popular article for unlimited music downloads tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Davion_Wong
Music Review of The Moola Mantra by Deva Premal
Deva Premal sings with the voice of an angel, the heart of one who has known love and loss, and the soul of an enlightened Master. I have had the distinct pleasure of following Deva and life partner Miten's music for several years, since reviewing their album Embrace back in early 2003. I can also highly recommend their other titles, including The Essence and Love is Space. With the forthcoming The Moola Mantra (release date August 28, 2007), I'm delighted to return to this duo's exquisite brand of devotional chant music that has garnered fans all over the world, with total CD sales surpassing half a million.
The Moola Mantra is perhaps their finest album yet, gracefully weaving Deva's transcendently pure voice, sitar, bansuri flute, dotar, tabla, piano, string quartet and ambient electronica into a richly layered tapestry of sacred chants that honor all traditions, religions, creeds and spiritual paths. Joined by superb musicians including Jai Uttal, Benjy Wertheimer, Manos and Kit Walker, Deva and Miten transport the listener into a world of blissful grace. For nearly 20 years they have traveled all over the world, offering themselves as living examples of male/female energy balance, sharing their music as a sacred tool for healing and intimacy.
I'm happy to tell you that Deva and Miten will be on a concert tour. From August 31 through mid-December throughout the United States, with a stop in Calgary and the Bahamas. They'll be in Santa Rosa California on September 29. I hope to see some of you there. Even after repeated listenings, I find that The Moola Mantra feeds my soul in ways that only my heart understands, and receives my highest recommendation.
Steve Ryals has been writing music reviews since 1994, and to date has published more than 1200. Steve specializes in World Beat, Native American, New Age, Meditation, Contemporary Instrumental, Chanting, Devotional Singing, and more. He currently writes two music reviews every month as part of his Drunk with Wonder Newsletter. To sign up for his FREE newsletter go to http://www.drunkwithwonder.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Ryals
There Are Books For Every Occasion
"In today's hectic life, where does one find the time to read?" one might ask. Well, for a person who just loves to read, there's always time at bedtime, the early morning, while waiting at the bus stop, while standing in a queue to buy a rail ticket, or even in the bathroom.
Though television has a lot to offer it is not the answer to every query. Supposing you're facing a problem with your infant. There is the option of running to a doctor for the answer, but still better is to keep handy one of those books telling you all you need to know about infancy and your baby. Or, let us say you wish to begin teaching your child about the alphabet and animals. Get the child an alphabet book and you'll be surprised how often your child will open that book and repeat what you've taught him. Perhaps your child is a fan of motor cars and airplanes - the best buy would be a book showing pictures of these.
Books will give you all the information and know how about cooking meals that you savored at a restaurant till now. The market is full of recipe books covering a wide variety of tastes from all over the world.
When it comes to hairdos and colors or styles too, all you need to do is open a book on the subject. You do not have to spend hours at the parlor to make that final decision and likewise for fashions and styles.
There is no dearth of gifts too. On an occasion like a birthday, a wedding or an anniversary - there's just the book to choose for the special person. Many love reading novels and there's choice enough for every taste. You may wish to express something really sentimental from the depth of your heart to someone as dear as a lover, husband, father, daughter or mother. There are books in the market that will convey just the right sentiment.
If you like to travel, all you would want to know about places to visit and stay at are available in books. Yes, television does offer a lot on various subjects, except that it cannot be carried into bed, unlike a book that you can keep referring to.
Today, with people turning towards spirituality, there is so much that is there to read about on the masters and spiritualism.
Reading is a habit best inculcated at a tender age. Reading helps keep the mind actively engaged well into old age and goes on to create a thirst for more and more knowledge. "Books are one's best friend" has been so rightly said. They help overcome the lonely times.
Victor Epand is an expert consultant about books. When shopping for books, we recommend you shop only at the best bookstores for used books and autographed books.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Victor_Epand
Buy Used Books Online
If you're thinking about buying a book, you should consider buying a used one and a used one online. Because of our increasing technology, one can now correspond we people selling products worldwide. Oftentimes if you buy a book used online, you can get one that looks just as good and is in like new quality, but only costs one third of the price of a new book.
There are several advantages to buying a used book. Most obviously, if you buy a used book you get a cheaper cost. A cheaper books lets you save money or spend it on other items, which is nice. The only disadvantages to buying a used book is that it could be slightly damaged and that the author is paid no royalties.
You should also consider the fact that you can buy books online. The internet gives you many options. You can buy used books online from online used bookstore, but you can also buy new or like new books on the internet. Online you get to shop around and compare your books previews, prices, and related things. It's also very convenient, since the book will typically be sent directly to your home.
In short, buying books online, buying used books, or buying used books online can be a great way to save money and time through discounts, comparing of prices, and through convenience. Sometimes if you shop around you can get great deals on new books that are selling for the priced of used ones!
The author is a reader and writer who sells used books online.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Quits